Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vehicle Assembly Building

This is the 4th largest building in the world by volume. It could fit the Statue of Liberty, with 200 feet to spare. It was originally built for the Saturn V rockets (part of the Apollo program). Then it was used for building the space shuttle. Our group is standing in front, I identified everyone in an earlier post. The teachers are from Michigan, Arizona, and California.

The stars on the flag are at least 6 feet across. You could drive a full-size bus on the stripes on the flag. The building is made of panels that are made to come off in the event of a hurricane, and has received some damage in the past from storms. The panels come off, preventing further damage to the building. Underneath the building are 126 (I think) steel columns covered with concrete to protect the building from earthquakes. They are very deep.

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