Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Les Gold, our tour guide

This is Les Gold, one of our tour guides. He is a former teacher who started working for NASA Education outreach 21 years ago. His area is the Virgin Islands, so he often goes there to do programs for schools, etc. He jokes that he is only in his office one day a month. It's a tough life -- going to the Caribbean all the time! He is from New York and really plays up his accent. He was laid off as a teacher and heard about a job at NASA. He drove from New York part way to Virginia, and his car broke down. I think he had to leave the car and take a train or bus. Something else went wrong too that I can't remember. Anyway he made it just a little before the job interview with only a few hours sleep. He showed up fresh and ready to go. The secretary asked him politely how his trip down was. He told her dramatically all the problems he had had. Then he said "I made it from New York to Virginia after a broken down car and all these problems, still on time for my appointment. I will be on time for all my appointments in this job." They were impressed and offered him the job shortly thereafter. He is a NASA historian and is an amazing tour guide because he shares so many interesting stories. On today's tour he talked about the critics who claim that the moon landing was faked. He went through all their criticisms and refuted them. He's very knowledgable. NASA was publishing a book and asked him to look at it. Just before publishing, he contacted them with original sources and told them that they had the wrong amount of time for the first American in space. He knew exactly how many seconds it was. He's read so much that he really is a NASA historian. He knows all the programs from the past and also the future programs.

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