Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Revisiting the Saturn V Rocket

Today we went to the center that celebrates the moon landing. We watched 3 films about the Apollo program and looked at a Saturn V rocket that never flew because the program was cut. I am standing under the rocket, which is as long as a football field and held several stages. Interestingly enough, the escape ladder alone (which takes the astronaut capsule away safely if the rocket explodes) had more thrust than Alan Shepherd's rocket. A number of astronauts participated in the program but only 7 or 8 landed on the moon. In one mission, the astronauts orbited the moon with a lander but NASA told them not to land, promising them a return trip later, which never happened. Some reporters criticized Buzz Aldrin for being second in landing on the moon, he was happy to correct the reporters by saying he and Neil landed at the same time. There were only 16 seconds left of fuel due to a navigation error. There were also several computer failures and Houston lost communication with the lander several times. Neil Armstrong surprised everyone by abandoning the original landing area and heading full speed across the moon to find another one.

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